Name: Tiffany, Tiff, Tee
Birthday: February 14
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Where were you born: Staten Island, New York
Where do you live now: Florida
Height: 5'7
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Tattoos: 3
Piercings: Just ears
Color: Pink and Black
Food: Home Cooking
Candy: White Chocolate Reese's Pieces
Movie: The Twilight Saga
TV Show: Son's of Anarchy, Game of Thrones, The Soprano's & Sex & The City
Actor: Robert Pattinson, Johnny Depp, Adam Sandler & Peter Drinklage
Actress: Jennifer Aniston, Kristen Stewart, Sarah Jessica Parker & Rooney Mara
Favorite Author: John Grisham, Stephanie Meyer, Steig Larrson & Stephen King
Band or Singer: Lady Gaga, Adele, Katy Perry, Gun's N Roses & Bon Jovi
Song: November Rain by Guns & Roses
Holiday: Christmas
Season: Winter & Fall
Day of the week: Sunday
Store: Rue 21
Restaurant: Olive Garden
Sport: Baseball
Animal: Turtle & Elephant
Flower: Orchids
*Have you ever*
Danced in the rain: No
tripped and had an embarrassing fall: Yes, a few times
smoked: Yes
got drunk: Yes,a few times
done drugs: Yes
gone skinny dipping:Yes
been in a car accident: yes
been in love: Yes once & still
met the President: No, and I wouldn't want to
met a celebrity: Yes, Dawyne '' The Rock'' Johnson at his book signing in NYC, I even got to kiss him on the cheek.
cried over a movie:Yes many
laughed so hard you cried: Yes, the first time I saw the movie Superbad
cried for no reason at all: Yes
*the last*
thing you said: It's so hot out
thing you ate: Grapes
song you heard: The one that got away Katy Perry
movie you saw: The girl with the dragon tattoo, with Rooney Mara it was awesome.
cd you bought: Adele 21
book you read: Breaking Dawn
phone call: My mommy
im: My Mommy
*This or that*
pepsi or coke: Coke
mcdonalds or burger king: BK
chocolate or vanilla:Vanilla
tv or movies: T.V
colored pencils or markers: Markers
sun or moon: Moon
day or night: Night
pants or shorts: Shorts
long sleeve or short sleeve: Short Sleeves
n'sync or backstreet boys: That's tough but if I had to choose, I guess I would go with N'sync
burgers or hot dogs: Burgers
rock or rap: Rock
aim or phone: Aim
romantic comedy or thriller: Romance
waffles or pancakes: Pancakes
peanut butter or jelly: Peanut Butter
what color is your toothbrush: Pink & White
do you believe in love at first sight: No
have you ever wished upon a star: Yes
what other language (s) do you speak: Just Englist
if you dyed your hair what color would you dye it: Blonde
if you could change your name what would you change it to: Tiffany Anne
what are the last four digits of your phone number: 7777
what's the weather like right now: Hot as fucking hell
what instruments do you play: None, But I would like to learn piano
do you talk to yourself a lot: Yes, I believe it's healthy
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